
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2014


I am fed up of the circumstances and life seems mirthless. I have also the responsibility of parents and siblings along with marital responsibilities. By the grace of Almighty Allah I am a Hafiz-e-Quran. The problem is that before five or six year I had a tumor in my ear. It was cured accurately but a loud whistling sound started in ear even it was difficult to sleep at night and routine work was disturbed. Many years passed in this state, peace of life disappeared but cure wasn’t in my fate. A doctor told that nasal bone has increased; I got this operated but in vain. Meanwhile I got married. Then the whistling sound also started in second ear. The face is as hot as if it is burning. I feel needles prickling in the body and feel as much burden in the ear as if a stone is placed in the ear. Mental and psychological feelings have fumed and marital matters have changed into coldness. Somebody has told that you have been hexed. Keeping in view all these matters, please suggest something for obviation of these problems.

                                                                                                            (Hafiz Abdul Rauf, Quetta)


Your supposition or somebody else’ supposition regarding hex is misconception. Get yourself examined by a good and professional doctor, it seems that you have a problem regarding ear and you are suffering from flu since long. These diseases have become complicated due to long period, you will get cure from an experienced doctor. Negligence may cause the situation more severe. Prolong treatment will finish the problems and other problems will also be vanished.



I am involved in many types of physical and psychological problems and don’t get rid of it by any means. Health is not good since long. Sometimes I get throat problem or sometimes I have pain in stomach. I get bored of medicines early. I have undergone many medical examinations leading to normal results but I am getting weak day by day, feel burden in head and feel giddy.  I lose temperament after doing a little work and feel cumbrous and leave the work. Doctors diagnose this as weakness but the weakness doesn’t go. I use spectacles but now I feel problem by continuous use. I got frightened some days back at night. I dreamed that a woman is hexing at me and I felt my bed was moving. This have never occurred before.

                                                                                                            (Seema, Islamabad)


After Fajar and Eisha prayer, recite یَااَللہُ یَامُرِیْدُ یَارَحْمٰنُ hundred times and blow on water and drink it. In Psychological and Physical circles you will feel the result of this commendation. But it is necessary that you should get a complete medical checkup from any doctor, especially pay attention towards throat problem. When the doctor and patient’s mind focus on any point after diagnosis then spiritually results arrive earlier. In sha Allah you will be healthy after doing these things.



I have done many holy commendations so that client (Jinn) may appear, one year has passed but couldn’t succeed. I read your column and thought that I should get guidance from you, tell me some commendation by which jinn should appear and also give me permission for this process.

                                                                                                            (Asghar Ali, Peshawar) 


By reciting commendations through hearsay or reading from anywhere, you don’t get results. Instead sometimes you have to bear loss which is normally called irreversibility of commendation. We suggest you to leave this process instantly. You have not mentioned in the letter that for what purpose are you doing this and what you want after getting present a jinn. Believe in Allah in the matters of life and serve the humanity as per your affordability. You will not only get the pleasure of Allah Almighty but also you will get the treasure of spiritual serenity.



My mother is indulged in one disease or the other or tensions since last ten or twelve years. One disease or misery doesn’t come to an end and the other one starts. Apparently she looks healthy and nobody can say that she is suffering from any disease. Mother sometimes tells about pain in whole body or sometimes pain in stomach, sometimes she says that she has been hexed. She often keeps on saying that I have pain, we underwent many treatments but miseries don’t come to an end.

                                                                                                                        (Moazam Ali, Jhang)


Ask your mother to stand on floor bare-footed before the sunrise and recite YA-WADOODO  یَاوَدُوْدُ one time and blow on both hands and wipe hands from the head of the mother to feet and then put hands on ground. Similarly, do this process seven times. Continue this process till forty days. In sha Allah it will be a blessed process for the Rehabilitation of physical system and for relieving the paranoids.



 I get puzzled on ordinary things and my mind doesn’t stay in one state. Some problem remains as a burden for mind always. Perhaps, this is the reason that my mind has been weaken and mental efficiency and abilities have deteriorated. A little thing can’t be understood even if I make efforts. Health remains poor causing the inferiority complex all the time. I feel no charm in life and ponder why the circumstances are worse for me, I feel myself in the bog of disappointment. Suggest me about all these matters so that I can spend a prosperous life.

                                                                                                            (Uzma Nosheen, Karachi)


Thoughts of a man towards a person not only affects on his deeds but affect the mind as well. For example, two persons who have different thoughts consider a same thing in two different ways and there happens a different result in their minds. When a person thinks again and again and there is a fault in it then the mental energy of a human being spends rapidly. As per our analysis which we have concluded after reading your detailed letter you have feelings of inferiority complex and deprivation and due to abundance of these thoughts you are victimized of mental stress. Using your will power determine that you would never let these two things to disturb you. In this matter the commendation of Allah Allah will be beneficial for you. Try to have ablution all the time and recite Allah Allah in your heart or by tongue.



I have been facing problems in my matters since previous three or four years. After different kind of problems eventually work is done. Somebody has told that my stars are not in good position and I will have to face these problems for more five years.

                                                                                                                        (Shamshad Ali)


In the different eras of life man has to face different conditions but supposing, the circumstances are not good all the time, is not fair. You have mentioned yourself that eventually the work is done. Do not consider the movements of stars instead spend your life with hard work and honesty. Conditions will be in your favor itself.



Negotiation about marriage starts but finishes without any reason, most of the times we had a doubt that some of our beloveds (Jealous persons), who cannot see us happy, have done some hex on us so that they could see us in problems.

                                                                                                            (Asifa Tariq, Faisalabad)


Marriage is such a matter in which people from both sides think differently, they may have different preferences, so many times negotiation is discontinued, and these things are not unusual. Thought about hex is just a doubt of your mind which has no reality in our view. You should just perform the prayer (namaz) punctually.



Grandfather is suffering from a disease since fifteen years. Firstly he gets fever then after few days of relief from fever his situation becomes critical. Body gets fits. He remains tense and worried and keeps on uttering something. When he is in fits, his eyes becomes red. He looks all around in tension and daze. He says I am afraid of everything and he walks fast in this situation. Previously this situation used to occur after two or three years but this time it has been occurred after six years.

                                                                                                (Arshad, Shaikupura)




Get him examined by a psychologist. By using different medicines this condition will cure or become controlled. ہُوَ اللہُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِیُٔ الْمُصَوِّرُ لَہُ الْاَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنٰی(الحشر24)Recite these words 21 times at night and blow on water. Get him drunk this water. At the early morning recite احَیُّ یَاقَیُّومُ 41 times and blow on water and give it to grandfather.



My younger brother, whose age is 13 years, sucks his thumb. We have tried in many ways that he should leave this habit but he doesn’t give up. Tell us any process of psychology that he should give up this habit.

                                                                                                            (Aslam, Bahawalpur)


If mental competency of the child is normal then from this process he will give up this habit. When you see the child is sucking the thumb recite یَامَانِعُ excessively.



I am 17 years old, since few years I get a strange condition in which I don’t know that what I am doing. The duration for this condition is one minute or less than one minute. But during this my mind is completely blank. Previously this used to happen after many months but now it happens daily. I have also listened that we should not recite commendations without permission but I keep on reciting something often. Daily in the morning Surah-e-Yaseen and Surah-e-Fajar are included in my commendations. Similarly, I recite many surahs at night. Tell me your views about this as well.

                                                                                                            (Nighat Aamir, Lahore)


Firstly you give up all the commendations which you recite in routine. Daily on three or four good quality dates recite and blow یَااَللہُ یَارَبُّ یَارَحِیْمُ 100 times and eat. After Morning Prayer (namaz-e-fajar) walk bare-footed on grass for fifteen minutes. After that recite بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ یَااَللہُ  یَارَحْمٰنُ one time and blow on both hands then wipe the hands from your head to feet, in sha Allah this condition will be vanished.


I feel electricity flowing in whole body and a voice comes in the ears that do this and don’t do that. Due to these conditions I cannot pay required mental attention towards work and perhaps this is the reason I am unsuccessful in practical life.

                                                                                                                        (Arshad, Chakwal)


Recite بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ ۔ یَاحَیُّ قَبْلَ کُلِّ شَئْیٍ یَاحَیُّ بَعْدَ کُلِّ شَئْیٍ 100 times on honey and preserve it. Daily take one spoon in the morning. Do not use salt a lot. Recite and blow یَارَحِیْمُ 41 times on both hands before sleeping and rub hands from head to feet.


(Remaining part: The Holy Prophet’s well behavior with non Muslims)

A bag is buried near to my cushion bring that out and give it to me. He instantly took out the bag, by watching this the Jew embraced Islam and said, it is written in The Testament that if a person repents by heart and put hand on clay it becomes gold. For this examination I had buried a bag full of clay. Now I have known that your repentance and your religion is true.  

                                                                                                            (Ref: Kutub ud Deenia)


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